lördag 13 mars 2010

In Russia, question answers you!

Såg på expressens Kalle Karlssons blogg att ryske fotbollsspelaren Andriy Arshavin svarar på frågor från sina fans på sin officiella hemsida. Blev genast intresserad av frågorna, då de ryktesvis är underhållande och inte nödvändigtvis av fotbollskaraktär. Sanna mina ord det är en del ganska underliga frågor Arshavins fans funderar kring, och den gode Andriy svarar givetvis enligt bästa förmåga. Här följer ett axplock:

5. From liza1951
The question is – do you approve when a girl starts using makeup very early in her life?
: As for the makeup, this is a purely personal matter for each girl, although I think it is better to consult a professional regarding this question.

14. From lambada
Hi, Andrey, in what order would you place the following animals: a tiger, a cow, a pig, a horse, a sheep?
: A pig - it will always get the last place! A tiger, a cow, a horse, a sheep. And I’ll repeat that a pig is always the last one, because it is a pig.

14. From PashaShiry
Have you ever been to Stavropol?
: No

8. Hi, Andrey, I love arsenal and helicopters. My friend, Steve, said that he met you once and he said you were very nice but you smelt of coffee. Do you like coffee? He also said that he held your hand. If I met you please could I hold your hand, I promise it will be no longer than for 3 minutes. LOVE FROM ANTHONY, 28 ENGLAND.
: I don’t drink coffee at all.

Min personliga favorit är dock:

7. From RinaBeer
Hi. I am 25 years old and I’m still not married. My parents are very upset about this. They say I can end up a spinster. But I don’t want to get married yet. What shall I do? (Sorry if this is off topic; just
want to know your opinion)
: I think I can help you.
Step 1: You need to find a scruffy heavy drinker.
Step 2: Once you’ve found him, try to persuade him to “marry” you. I think that for a small amount of money, he will agree to fulfill the role of your fiancé :)
Final: Bring this guy home. Tell your parents he’ll live with you ;)
I think next time they will think better before forcing their opinion on you.

Det finns alltså ytterligare en kanal att vända sig till när man inte finner svaren hos wikipedia eller anders och måns. Skicka frågan till Andriy Arshavin!

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